
Welcome to the SiteBlocks Site Builder


Custom Error Page

A convenient feature we have included is the ability to create a custom error page for your site. This means that if someone visits a page no longer associated with your site, though an outdated link for example, or if they mistype a page name associated with your website address, they will see the error page that you have customized. This type of error is known as a 404 error. Editing this 404 error page is a good idea to maintain the consistency of your website's appearance in the event of an error.

Note: This page can't be deleted. Page settings are manageable, however, and you can change the page name, description, and layout style if other layouts exist for your template.


Where to Find

In order to access this page, you will need to make sure you are logged into your account and are currently using the site editor. Simply navigate to your Page List by clicking the “PAGES” button in the main toolbar on the left. You can also access this page by typing in the /404 URL.

For example, if your website is:

The error page can be accessed at this address:


Editing your Error Page

Assuming you're logged into your account and using the editor, your 404 error page will load within the editor, allowing you to make changes to it. This is edited in the same way as any other page. We have included some default content for your error page with some text in Paragraph Element.

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